Have you ever thought about the impact you can have for God’s Kingdom after you have joined him in heaven?

Did you know?

You can leave a lasting legacy and impact for God’s kingdom by leaving a bequest for AFCI in your will?

How can you leave a Bequest for AFCI in your will?

Contact AFCI on 1300 723 993 to talk to one of our team members about this. Or if you would rather send us a note, fill out the contact form below.

If you have created your will with your solicitor, contact them to discuss your wishes further. If you would like an example of what you may write, you can download it below.

You can use an online will platform such as SafeWill to create your will. Safewill is an online Will writing platform that provides an easy option for Australians who don’t have a legally binding Will to protect the people and organisations that mean the most to them. While making a Will online may not be for everyone, particularly those with complex estates, thousands more Australians have been able to write a legally binding Will within the comfort of their own home, in just a few clicks.

No matter what you decide, it’s important to discuss your wishes with those closest to you.

Download Your Sample Bequest Language Here

Contact AFCI

If you would like to contact us for any reason, please fill out the form below.