Pedro, who lives in a suburb of Sydney, began going through Life2Life two months ago with my teammate Joshua Bloomfield. He immediately began applying the witnessing lifestyle to his relationships and led his workmate Arnab to Christ. As he continues his Life2Life journey, Pedro and his wife are already leading twelve other believers (including Arnab) through Life2Life. God is doing an amazing work in these twelve believers. We are hearing stories of multiple evangelistic Bible studies started and the gospel message being boldly shared by both mature believers and new believers like Arnab.

I write to ask you to join me in supporting this team in the mission God has given us. As our ministry grows in its impact, our monthly costs are growing too. We need 100 new monthly partners to join hands with us to accelerate the spread of the gospel in our nation.

Since starting as Partnership Manager at AFCI in July, I have been inspired and challenged by the ministry team and staff here at AFCI, especially their passion for ‘the knowledge of God’s glory filling the earth’ (Habakkuk 2:14).

I am convinced that AFCI has a crucial role to fulfill in training and resourcing the Church, locally and globally. 

Our heart at AFCI is to equip and send disciples; we want to see people going out into the world passionate and well prepared to live out, teach, share, and engage a broken world with the good news of Jesus Christ.

I ask you to partner with us in that amazing and privileged calling: to invest in training and activating believers like Pedro to reach those around them.

Through partnerships with people like you, we have equipped Pedro to share the Gospel more effectively in his workplace, as well as broadening his outlook and growing him personally. We are asking God to bring us 100 new monthly partners this year, to make sure that we can continue training disciples like Pedro. Would you prayerfully consider becoming one of the 100?

As Romans 10 makes clear, without partners

‘how will they preach unless they are sent?’

I am directly asking for your support because I want to be transparent and up front about the challenges AFCI faces.  While we continue to be blessed with churches doing EvangelismSHIFT—over eighty church leaders have been trained in our current round of churches—AFCI is still facing a financial shortfall.

If you would like to be one of our 100 new monthly partners, or to give a one-time gift, simply use the enclosed response form or head to

As an organisation, we face a major challenge to deliver quality training across Australia. It is only through partnering with people like you that we can cover this shortfall. We need new partners like you to come alongside us to help bridge that gap. 

Recently, we have faced difficult decisions in terms of cutting costs, as well as making strategic decisions to focus time and resources on directions that best fit our vision. 

I believe you share our vision to see the Church in Australia strengthened and equipped to live out, teach, share, and engage a broken world with the good news of Jesus Christ.

With your partnership through monthly giving or a one-time gift, we will continue to train more and more church leaders, grow our ministry team, and launch EvangelismSHIFT in new nations. 

Please prayerfully consider using the enclosed reply slip or head to to become one of our 100 new monthly partners to help turn these plans into reality for the glory of God. 

With grateful expectancy,

Craig Tobler, for the AFCI Team

Partnership Manager


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