It’s partnership month! I’m writing to invite you to become a monthly financial partner with us here at AFCI Australia or to increase your level of partnership.
Partnership has always been God’s plan, his kingdom economy. From the many people who gave out of their private means to support Jesus’ disciplemaking ministry in Luke 8:1-3, to the Philippian church’s long years of partnership with the Apostle Paul and his vision of planting churches across the Roman empire, to those who funded George Whitfield and John Wesley as they fanned the flames of revival and evangelism in their day, to the great missionary movements of the last couple of centuries, God has put a spiritual calling on the hearts of businesspeople to fund the growth of his kingdom that is just as strong a calling as that on the hearts of the upfront ministry people that lead the charge.
Do you sense that call of God on your own heart? Here at AFCI we have a very strong sense of calling and vision. Yet how does this vision become a reality? This ministry moves forward as it is partnered with your sense of vision and your calling to give to accelerate the spread of the gospel.
Many times we share with you projects that need funding, but the most significant financial partnership you can have with our ministry is in becoming a monthly partner or increasing your monthly partnership. It is through monthly financial partners that this ministry continues its steady advance, activating churches and believers as effective witnesses for Jesus.
God is truly accelerating the spread of the gospel through AFCI Australia’s ministry here in Australia and—through our EvangelismSHIFT and Life2Life initiatives—in a growing number of nations around the world.
Our ministry leader in Slovakia is running a Life2Life ‘huddle’ with five people from a gypsy church. At week 15 of meeting together, one of the young women in the huddle has already led 15 people to faith in Christ. Six of them were baptised in the past few weeks! Her pastor is also in the huddle and is now factoring Life2Life in as a key part of his ministry strategy.
In our letters you have been hearing similar stories of impact in Australian churches.
Our ministry is growing and our team is growing. We are facing the challenges faced by any growing organisation as we try to push through a growth barrier with our funding. We need your partnership now more than ever. The vine of our spiritual ministry grows on the trellis of our administrative team and we are struggling to cover our costs.
Please consider increasing your monthly partnership level or becoming a monthly partner and make a huge difference in our world as together we grow God’s Kingdom!
To become a monthly partner, go to and tap the ‘weekly’ or ‘monthly’ option, or post the enclosed response slip. To increase your current partnership level, just give us a call at 1 300 723 993 and we will set it up for you.
When the Apostle Paul challenged the Corinthians to give generously, he reminded them of the Lord Jesus: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich [in heaven], yet for your sake he became poor [on earth], so that you by his poverty might become rich.” (1 Corinthians 8:9)
John, on behalf of the AFCI Australia team

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