Do you find yourself only praying about those things that seem spiritual, like before starting your Bible reading in the morning, but neglecting prayer through-out what feels like the mundane routine of everyday? Think about those times that you had an opportunity to share the gospel with someone in the past 6 months. Where were you? How did the conversation start? When you woke up that morning did you plan for it to happen that day or did the opportunity arise during what felt like the mundane routine of your daily responsibility? Would you agree that God in his sovereignty has complete control over circumstances, both ours and a non-Christ follower’s?
Let’s pray that God’s power would direct our circumstances in the routine responsibilities we have today. Lord, would you open a door of opportunity for me to share the gospel message while I am getting my oil changed today. Would you, Father, be preparing that person’s heart that you are sending me to connect with today, and Holy Spirit, would you please fill my mouth with your words for this person who needs you. Col 4:2-6.
We also see Jesus seeking the Father’s direction. Where do you want me to go and sow seeds Lord? Does God not know, and can he not direct you to that person or ‘field’ that is fertile to sow or ripe for harvest? Mark 1:35-9
Since, in today’s culture especially, truth does not rest on logic alone but also on the experience that validates it—when you pray specifically for the person we are witnessing to, not just a general prayer for blessing but a prayer for a miracle, they have an opportunity to witness the love and power of God at work in their life. This experience that you share with them will solidify your disciple-making relationship and more importantly, validate and quantify the gospel message in their heart.
Why not take a moment right now and pray that God would direct your circumstances today, direct you personally as to where and with whom to share the gospel, and that your redemptive relationship (the person you are sharing with) would understand intellectually and experience emotionally the Truth.
One response
Back in 1983, as a new believer in Christ in India, I happened to read a book called ‘Ambassadors of/for Christ’, which made a deep impact on me then. Today, while reading 2 Cor 5:20, I was suddenly reminded of that book, and decided to search for it on the web. That led me to your website and this page (because I now live in Australia). God bless your ministry. So happy to hear that you are ALIVE and well, and continuing to be faithful ambassadors for Christ.