Last year, I was called into this ministry to be a part of Ambassadors for Christ International-Australia. Mate! How extremely excited and overjoyed I was to know that I would be working alongside people who have a deep burden for accelerating the spread of the gospel through local churches so that more people than ever will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour! I was looking forward for the plethora of things that I would be learning from them as I know, fellowship with like-minded people causes growth in witnessing and in spiritual life because Christ is the subject and the source (Proverbs 27:17). 

I remember there was a day when my spirit was so low. I felt so inadequate and lacking in so many ways. I had this feeling that I wasn’t really qualified to do the task given to me. I was so focused on my weakness that I suddenly forgot my passion for witnessing and encouraging other people. My feeling was turned upside down when I was reminded as, during our prayer time, John mentioned about us being sent and called into this ministry. I knew that right there and then, God was actively talking right in front of me. I suddenly recognised that those feelings and questions in my mind were whispered by the father of lies to mislead me (John 8:44). I immediately filtered my thoughts through God’s powerful truths. I reaffirmed the enemy’s thoughts about me that I am inadequate, lowly, and totally without human power and influence but I reminded him that because of God’s grace, his power is made perfect in my weakness!!! Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me (2 Corinthians 12:9)!  I also emphasised what it says in 1 Corinthians 1:27-29, “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.” That experience even made me so elated and I allowed God even more to work through me and in me so that God’s power will be released into people’s lives around me through my faith, my words, in my witnessing and in my prayers!


While connecting with like-minded people includes attending a small group, trainings, camps, prayer meeting, having a devotion and conferences or simply having a chat over a coffee, it also goes beyond face to face interaction between believers. Connection can also come in the form of reading, watching inspirational/instructional videos and listening to podcasts or audio preaching. As Virginia Woolf perfectly put it, “Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.” Personally, I relish my spare time reading and listening to the vast resources that AFCI has. True enough, it never fails to ignite my passion for reaching out to the lost!


Fellowship is crucial to be an effective witness for Jesus. If you want your attitude towards God’s calling in your life as a fisher of men and women to be vibrant at all times, connect with like-minded people who live by faith in God. As you witness how they trust God in every situation and solely depend on him to provide their needs in all circumstances and focus on living as a witness no matter what happens, you’ll surprisingly find yourself beginning to do the same. As you see God working in them and through them again and again, your faith and passion for evangelism will grow!


13 Responses

    • You’re welcome, May! Praise God for the lives of our brothers and sisters in faith! Praise God for your life! Regards to your family there in Brisbane

  1. that was lovely Khel! Very inspiring💓 thanking God for having a sister in faith like you😘

  2. Hence, the quick chat last night was meaningful and would be good to have more. Thx for sharing Khel. Apparently 1Cor1:27-29 was also my QT message last night, love it.

    • Thanks too, Carol! You are such a blessing! Wow!! Without a shadow of a doubt, God is actively talking to you through that passage!

    • You’re welcome. Thank you and I really hope to catch up with you. See you there in Canberra this coming winter! This blog has (almost) weekly posts giving practical insights into how to be an effective witness for Jesus in your life. Here is the main link of AFCI’s blog: There are plenty of other enlightening and encouraging blog posts written to give practical advise about evangelism.

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