The rise of science has led many to believe that Christian views are outdated and ignorant. For this reason, you need to know how to respond to people who say that science proves that God isn’t real.

When the Dark Ages gave way to the Enlightenment in the late 1600s, the Western world was changed. So many things that had seemed mysterious and magical/spiritual could now be explained by science. Although none of the claims of Scripture were set aside by science, many of the beliefs of Christians were. This led great segments of society (particularly those ‘enlightened’ by education) to the conclusion that through science all spiritual explanations of life would eventually be set aside. For centuries, humanists expected that any reference to spiritual realities would die away as science progressed. They predicted that the Bible itself would be discarded and forgotten.


How wrong they were. As westerners have been exposed more to eastern and animistic cultures, they have encountered and personally had spiritual experiences. In our day, the existence of spiritual powers and beings is accepted. Yet the view still persists that science rules out God.


When you encounter someone with this view, point out that our experience of the universe is so tiny that it is impossible to rule out the existence of God. All a person can say is, “I personally have not yet experienced God.”


Let the person know that while they may not have experienced God yet, you have! Share your story with them. Talk about answered prayer and what God is doing in your inner life.


Talk about the evidence of millions of people around the world who have had their lives totally transformed by Jesus.


Point out that many of the greatest scientists in the world today are firm believers in God and, in fact, see God as the only explanation for the realities in their fields of science! A quick search on the internet will show you many of the stories of these scientists. Forward some links of these scientists’ testimonies to the person you are talking to.


As you discuss God with them, be sure to remember that your goal is not to win an argument, but to help this person open their heart to God. If you see that the person’s heart is hard and not open at all to you or your discussion, then stop pursuing the topic.


When you find someone whose heart is open and seeking, then spend a lot of time with that person and look for ways to remind them that it is not just about discussing things to a conclusion, but there is a living person named Jesus who is reaching out to them and waiting for them to trust him.


5 Responses

  1. Hi John,
    This piece is nicely concise, yet accurate, helpful, and to the point. May I use it in a future edition of the “Assemblies Outreach” magazine (with suitable accreditation to you and the AFCI blog, of course) ?

    • Hi Colin,
      Yes, you are more than welcome to use it in the “Assemblies Outreach”. Thank you for asking!

  2. The best comment I have seen on this comes from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ book “The Great Partnership: Science, Religion, and the Search for Meaning”

    “Science is about explanation. Religion is about meaning. Science analyses, religion integrates. Science breaks things down to their component parts. Religion binds people together in relationships of trust. Science tells us what is. Religion tells us what ought to be. Science describes. Religion beckons, summons, calls. Science sees objects. Religion speaks to us as subjects. Science practices detachment. Religion is the art of attachment, self to self, soul to soul. Science sees the underlying order of the physical world. Religion hears the music beneath the noise. Science is the conquest of ignorance. Religion is the redemption of solitude. ”

    I’ll be interested to see if you will post this “Those who are not against us are for us” post

    • Thanks John,

      I totally agree that science and the Bible have different aims. Science is the attempt to explain God’s creation and the Bible explains the meaning behind God’s creation and what God is like and how he interacts with the world and people he created. It shows us how to know God himself, who loves us intensely.


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