When the Bible talks about Christians being witnesses in the world around them, regarding Jesus Christ, […]
You might wonder why we put these two objections in the same blog when they seem […]
This claim that all religions lead to heaven is one of the most common objections you […]
This question is expressed in many different ways. Sometimes a person is genuinely seeking for truth […]
This is a more common concern when people are considering putting their faith in Christ than […]
One the big fears that keeps us from starting ‘God-conversations’ with people is the belief that […]
Go to school, get educated, get a job, get married, get a house, get kids, grandkids, […]
What does it mean to be worldly? Here’s a definition the Oxford English Dictionary gives us:
As a leader of a church, the weight comes on you and your team to inspire […]
Dwight L. Moody said this: “Christians should live in the world but not be filled with […]