God is at work through EvangelismSHIFT!!
Thank you so much for praying with us! No one can deny the fact that God has been seriously doing his business of activating his people to live as witnesses in their daily lives through EvangelismSHIFT! It is really thrilling to think that since EvangelismSHIFT was launched in 2015, leaders from our pilot church became Facilitators of EvangelismSHIFT in other churches, and then leaders from those churches joined the growing group of Facilitators taking time out of their crazy schedules to take yet other churches on the 2-year EvangelismSHIFT journey! EvangelismSHIFT Is beginning to multiply through denominational and geographic networks.
John recently spoke with the senior pastor of a church halfway through the EvangelismSHIFT journey. John asked him if he was interested in being a Facilitator of EvangelismSHIFT in other churches as he continues his ministry. He immediately said, “Yes, I definitely am. As I’ve experienced EvangelismSHIFT, I’m convinced that this is the only way to create an evangelistic culture in our churches.”
EvangelismSHIFT was first launched In Perth, followed by our next batch of churches in the year 2016 in Raymond Terrace, the NSW North Coast and Northern Sydney.
Our current and third batch of churches are from Melbourne, Southern Sydney, Western Sydney, and another group in the NSW North Coast. It is not yet half-way through the year, but there is already growing interest from churches in New South Wales, Adelaide and in Perth to embark on the EvangelismSHIFT journey next year, 2020!
And the growth is also international. John North recently wrote, “I see capable leaders from five nations (USA, Fiji, Philippines, Canada and Australia) stepping out in faith to join our team full-time to launch EvangelismSHIFT in their own nations; as I witness the same multiplication happening in those nations that is happening here in Australia—it is no longer crazy to me to think that God is going to use us (you, me, AFCI, our growing network of Facilitators) to, yes, change the world!”
Last month, Bill Hodgson and John North led interaction on movement building from the life of Christ with AFCI leaders from Ukraine, Slovakia and Romania. These AFCI Leaders set a goal of being ready to launch EvangelismSHIFT in 2021 in their nations.
John went on to say, “It blows me away how, in every nation around the world where we share the idea behind EvangelismSHIFT, church leaders say, ‘We need that and we need it now. When can you bring EvangelismSHIFT to us?’ This happens in eastern nations and western nations, poor nations and wealthy nations, 1st world and 3rd world, developed nations and developing nations.”
Revival is REALLY happening through EvangelismSHIFT and more people are coming to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour!
One church leader told us that in the year since they finished EvangelismSHIFT, they have baptised more people than in the eight previous years combined.
John is part of a text message group that formed out of an EvangelismSHIFT church. People text the group if they are about to have a gospel encounter with someone they know, and everybody prays for them. John says, “Many of those contributing never shared their faith before EvangelismSHIFT. But now there is a constant stream of texts, almost every day, asking for prayer for someone they have been praying for and are about to meet with. Usually, there is a follow-up message of how God worked in amazing ways, and often I want to both cheer and cry as people text that those they have been sharing with have put their faith in Christ.
“I looked back through the last ten days of texts and counted about 30 gospel encounters that we prayed for and 5 people who put their faith in Christ!”
The pastor texted John, “I am so encouraged to see the hand of God working all around us. A real work of the Holy Spirit in many people’s lives. Others from the church are now starting to meet one on one during the week to pray and several are commencing one on one gospel studies with unbelievers. The work is multiplying. Praise God for EvangelismSHIFT!”
Please prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter of this life-changing ministry by going to our online giving page at www.afci.com.au/donate. Thank you so much for making all these things possible!
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