I’ve had the privilege to attend a number of funerals lately. I deliberately use the word privilege because it reminds us of the reality of life and the equality of all mankind. We will all be the guest of honour at our own funeral one day.


However, other than the guest of honour, there are typically two types of people looking on in the crowd of loved ones and friends. Can you guess the two types of people?


  • There are those who dread the thought of death. You may experience this yourself. Even reading this article may make you uncomfortable. The reality of death sometimes overcomes you and you would rather avoid the topic and resist the urge to give too much thought to the reality of death.
  • Then, there are those who see death as a milestone in life that all of us face. While the thought of leaving loves ones saddens you and death may even still concern you, you look beyond the grave and excitedly look forward to eternity and are filled with hope, joy and great expectation.


Are you one of these two types of people? When you think of your loved ones and friends, which type of person do you think they are?


Why such a great contrast between these two groups of people? What’s the difference?


Could the difference be our human ability to muster all the courage inside us to face death? Is it the power of positive self-talk and creative thinking? Can it be the reassurance and well wishes from others that makes such a profound difference? I don’t think so.


Wouldn’t you agree that none of these things could possibly have a deep and permanent impact on our honest view of death? So, what can bring about that change? What brings peace to the most fearful soul or stills the anxious heart? Only one thing – a real and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


But why only Jesus?

  • Only Jesus has demonstrated the power to overcome death and the grave.
  • Only Jesus was raised to life after being dead for three days.
  • Only Jesus offers humanity life beyond the grave.
  • Only Jesus has the authority to forgive your sins.
  • Only Jesus can restore your relationship with God.
  • It is only Jesus who lovingly and openly invites you to experience a personal and real relationship with God.


Millions of people throughout history have lived life with hope and peace and have faced their final hours free from the dread of death looking forward to life beyond the grave in the presence of the Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.


Today Jesus says to all who know him, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me… I go to prepare a place for you… I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”  John 14:1-3


The Gospel is relevant in today’s age because the dread of death is reality for many!


We need to realise death is not the end. It is a doorway to a better eternity with God. The one who opened that door is Jesus, through his death on the cross.


Who do you know that needs to know the good news of Jesus Christ? The only news that can truly free anyone from fear of death and give them peace and hope for eternity is the good news of Jesus Christ – The Gospel


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